Diversity Fund

Anderson & Kreiger Legal Diversity Fund

Anderson & Kreiger LLP is committed to using the firm’s financial resources and social capital to promote racial and ethnic diversity in the Greater Boston legal community.  As part of this commitment, we established the Anderson & Kreiger Legal Diversity Fund to directly invest in the future success of aspiring lawyers who demonstrate financial need and who identify as belonging to racial and ethnic groups that are underrepresented in the legal profession. The firm will award annual stipends to law school and college students to help address the challenges faced by those who lack the financial capital to focus exclusively on their education and whose financial situation may limit their range of legal career options.

Law Student Stipend

Annually, Anderson & Kreiger will grant one $50,000 stipend to a 1L or 2L law student enrolled in a 3-year ABA accredited JD program, or 2L or 3L student enrolled in a 4-year ABA accredited JD program who demonstrates financial need, identifies as part of a racial or ethnic group that is underrepresented in the legal profession, and intends to begin practicing law in Greater Boston following graduation. The goal of the stipend or stipends is to remove financial barriers to the successful completion of law school and to the successful start of the recipient’s career.

In addition to the stipend:

  • Anderson & Kreiger will arrange for each recipient to meet with a financial planner to consider options for utilizing the award.
  • The recipient will be invited, but not required, to participate in Anderson & Kreiger’s mentoring and training programs and firm-sponsored networking and social events.
  • The recipient is requested, but not required, to perform at least 20 hours of pro bono work with Anderson & Kreiger lawyers prior to graduation in order to gain hands-on experience and training.
  • The recipient may, but is not required to, apply for a paid internship at Anderson & Kreiger during their first or second summers if enrolled in a three-year JD program, or during their second or third school summers if enrolled in a four-year JD program. Any recipient hired by Anderson & Kreiger for an internship will be paid in accordance with the firm’s standard intern salary scale, over and above the stipend paid from the Legal Diversity Fund.

College Student Stipends

Annually, Anderson & Kreiger will grant five $5,000 stipends to college seniors or juniors who demonstrate financial need, identify as part of a racial or ethnic group that is underrepresented in the legal profession, attend college in Greater Boston or are currently Greater Boston residents, and are interested in attending law school and practicing law. All college students who receive a stipend will also be eligible for free LSAT tutoring services and other services to aid college students in applying for law school.

The goal of the stipend is to provide financial assistance to encourage such students to apply to law school.

Each recipient will be assigned a mentor at Anderson & Kreiger to help them:

  • Evaluate whether a legal career fits their personal goals;
  • Navigate the process of law school admissions;
  • Identify meaningful internships; and,
  • Network in the Greater Boston legal community.

Each recipient will be invited, but not required, to participate in firm-organized events with the other recipients and Anderson & Kreiger training programs, and firm-sponsored networking and social events.

Applications and current resumes must be uploaded by March 28, 2025. Transcripts and letters of recommendation are optional.

Please include copies of the following documents with your application:

  1. A personal statement that includes (1) an explanation of how support from the fund would further your education and career, (2) an explanation of your financial need and, for the Law Student Stipend, and (3) an explanation of your intention to begin practicing law in Greater Boston following graduation.
  2. A copy of your current resume or CV.
  3. (Optional) A copy of your transcript(s).
  4. (Optional) Letter(s) of Recommendation. If you would like to maintain the privacy of your letter of recommendation, please send this link to your recommender to submit privately.

Email ysaintval@andersonkreiger.com with any questions.

Applicant Information