News & Events


Federal Court Orders FDA to Finish Overdue Graphic Warning Labels For Cigarettes

by Anderson & Kreiger

On September 5, 2018, Judge Talwani of the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to comply with a 2009 Congressional mandate requiring full color graphic warning labels on cigarette packs and advertising. Studies have shown that graphic warnings on cigarette packs… READ MORE

Steven L. Schreckinger quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Article, “Insurance Broker Owes No Duty to Lawyer, Panel Rules”

by Anderson & Kreiger

Steven L. Schreckinger, partner in the firm’s insurance practice, was quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article “Insurance Broker Owes No Duty to Lawyer, Panel Rules,” on August 16, 2018.  Steven commented on the recent decision by the Appeals court in Perreault v. AIS Affinity Insurance Agency of New England, Inc.,… READ MORE

10 Anderson & Kreiger Attorneys Included in 2019 The Best Lawyers in America List

by Anderson & Kreiger

This month, Best Lawyers in America© published its 2019 list, which included 10 Anderson & Kreiger attorneys nominated and recognized by their peers for their accomplishments in 7 different practice areas. Congratulations to: Stephen D. Anderson: Commercial Litigation, Environmental Law and Environmental Litigation. Arthur P. Kreiger: Environmental Law, Environmental Litigation and… READ MORE

More Good News for the Belize Barrier Reef

by Anderson & Kreiger

image credit: dronepicr July 5, 2018 – Anderson & Kreiger and pro bono client Oceana can celebrate once again.  UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee just removed the Belize barrier reef – the largest barrier reef in the northern hemisphere – from its list of World Heritage Sites in Danger. The… READ MORE

Anderson & Kreiger’s Nina Pickering-Cook was a Panelist at the 2018 NACUA Annual Conference

by Anderson & Kreiger

Nina Pickering-Cook, a partner in the Construction industry practice group, was a panelist at the 2018 NACUA (National Association of College and University Attorneys) Annual conference.  Each year the conference brings together nearly two thousand higher education attorneys to discuss current issues and legal developments in the field of… READ MORE

The Greater Boston Legal Services Associate Drive

by Katelyn Smith

Anderson & Kreiger associates have participated in the Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) Associates Fundraising Drive since 2007, raising money to support GBLS’s mission to provide free legal assistance to as many low-income families as possible to help them secure some of the most basic necessities of life. GBLS is… READ MORE