A Blow to the Face Arises From Assault and Battery for Purposes of Determining an Insurer’s Duty to Defend, Even if the Complaint Alleges Negligence.

The Court Also Holds That an Employee is an “Insured,” But Not the “Named Insured,” and Therefore is Not Entitled to Assault… Read More

Christina Marshall to Speak on BBA Panel: Catching up to PFAS – Emerging Contaminants in Massachusetts on February 28, 2019

Anderson & Kreiger’s Insurance Practice Grows

Sara Perkins Jones has joined our Insurance and Litigation practice groups.  We are pleased to announce that Sara Perkins Jones has… Read More

Five Anderson & Kreiger LLP Attorneys to Participate in Discovering Justice’s Stand Up for Your Rights Program

Austin Anderson, David Lyons, Mina Makarious, Christina Marshall and Nina Pickering-Cook will all be volunteering their time this spring to prepare Nativity… Read More

Anderson & Kreiger Attorneys to Participate in the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Civics Bee

Austin Anderson, Paul Kominers, David Mackey and Mina Makarious will be representing Anderson & Kreiger LLP in the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Civics… Read More

Appeals Court Untangles Dispute Over Insurance for Home Heating Oil Spill

Decision Addresses Nature and Purpose of Collateral Source Rule. Happily, in this case there was plenty of insurance coverage for the remediation of a… Read More

New State Law Allows Local Regulation of Short-Term Rentals

Just before 2018 ended, Governor Baker signed An Act Regulating and Insuring Short-Term Rentals into law.  The Act capped off years of public… Read More

Colin Van Dyke Elected to the Anderson & Kreiger LLP Partnership

Colin Van Dyke was elected to the partnership at Anderson & Kreiger LLP effective January 1, 2019. “Colin has made significant contributions to this firm… Read More

In the Event of a First Party Payment After a Loss, the “Collateral Source” Rule Works Most of the Time to Permit the Subrogated Insurer to Sue for the Full Amount of the Loss – But Not Always.

The collateral source rule applies so that if a plaintiff has recovered for a loss from his or her own insurer, that… Read More

Tamara Wolfson was quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Article, “‘Intentional injury’ exclusion may not bar coverage of negligence claim”

Tamara Wolfson, a partner in the firm’s insurance practice, was quoted in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly article “‘Intentional injury’ exclusion may not bar… Read More