Anderson & Kreiger’s real estate attorneys handle all aspects of development and permitting for real estate development projects in Massachusetts. We represent clients before federal, state and municipal boards and agencies to obtain the necessary permits to construct projects. We guide our clients through the procedures necessary to secure permits in cities and towns throughout Massachusetts. We have experience with the development and permitting processes for life science, energy, higher education, hospitality, multifamily housing, office, restaurant, and transportation industries, among others. We handle all stages of these complicated proceedings, including permitting Article 80 projects before the Boston Planning and Development Agency.
When appropriate, we call upon our Anderson & Kreiger colleagues in construction and environmental law to provide proactive strategies that lead to successful permitting outcomes. We represent both developers and abutters to negotiate abutter agreements to mitigate the impacts of large construction projects on affected surrounding properties. Although we often avert litigation altogether, if it becomes unavoidable, our litigation team strongly advocates for our clients, defending permits and resolving disputed permit validity so that projects move forward with minimal disruption.